Debbie Martin Martin
January 23, 2024
At 365 Vet, we’re passionate about pet health. We want to ensure you’ve got all the right information to keep your four-legged friend healthy and happy all year round.
It’s common to see an influx in pet sales around Christmas time. Especially the sale of puppies and kittens. We agree it’s super cute to gift a furry friend. However, it’s important to remember that puppies grow into dogs, and dogs need to be cared for throughout the year.
Only gift a pet to someone you know can financially support a pet, as well as commit the time needed to care for one. Too many dogs find themselves being rehomed or in kennels come January 31st - this can be stressful for the dog and upsetting for the owner, especially if they’re young.
Dogs bring undeniable love and joy into our lives and
January 22, 2024
As a pet owner, ensuring the health and vitality of your furry friend is paramount. You might already be aware that dog supplements can provide essential nutrients to support their wellbeing.
If you are considering supplementation for your dog, make sure you talk it through with your vet (unless they have already advised you to try this route).
Discover a range of nutritional supplements at great prices designed to support various aspects of your dog's well-being. From promoting healthy bladder and pancreatic function to filling diet gaps, enhancing joint function, improving coat care and boosting overall health, we can help to keep your dog thriving.
It is vital to consult your vet if you are pondering about giving supplements to your canine. They may recommend something like
December 18, 2023
Your cat might exhibit signs of anxiety, like pacing and tail twitching. At 365 Vet, we're here to help ensure your cat's wellbeing. Enter the world of cat calming products as we explore effective methods for easing anxiety in your furry friend.
This blog serves as a resource to address your concerns about cat stress. We'll cover everything from synthetic pheromones that mimic 'happy' signals understood by cats, to how certain herbs can have calming effects on our furry companions.
Table Of Contents
December 18, 2023
Sitting at the Christmas dinner table, facing your dog’s imploring stare? But here’s the question: How much of our festive feast is actually safe for dogs?
We often hear warnings about certain foods being harmful to dogs. However, figuring out which Christmas foods are safe for them and which ones they should absolutely avoid can be difficult.
It's typically a last-minute consideration as you're preparing dinner or sharing treats, and your dog eagerly asks for a share. Planning ahead before the busy Christmas rush is the best approach. This prevents you from anxiously searching 'Can my dog eat Santa's mince pie?' on Christmas Eve while your kids are asleep.
You might believe that sharing a small amount won't cause harm, but it's not worth the risk of your dog ending up at the vet on Boxing Day.
Do not
December 04, 2023
Wondering how to keep your furry friends safe in the chilly winter months? As a pet owner, you know they have unique needs and there are safety considerations when the seasons shift. Ensuring their wellbeing goes far beyond getting them a cute jumper or an extra chew toy.
It's about understanding the risks, like antifreeze poisoning for cats seeking shelter under cars or ensuring guinea pigs stay warm with dry bedding. Protecting your dogs from rock salt damage to their paws is crucial, among other considerations.
This comprehensive guide from 365 Vet, crafted for pet owners, provides practical insights and valuable advice to safeguard your beloved pets during winter.
Table Of Contents
November 08, 2023
If you own a cat, you know that keeping your furry friend looking and feeling their best is all part of the job. Cat grooming might seem like a fancy affair but it's pretty straightforward if you know what you're doing.
First things first, let's talk about brushes. Cats are all unique and their fur comes in different shapes and sizes. For short-haired cats, a bristle brush can work wonders. Long-haired kitties might prefer a slicker brush to keep those tangles in check.
Now, how often should you brush your cat? Short-haired cats are usually okay with a once-a-week session, while long-haired cats might need a quick brush every day. It's all about knowing your cat's coat and keeping it in check.
November 02, 2023
It’s nearing that time of the year when we have to consider bonfire night and how our pets will react.
September 18, 2023
Keeping your pet's coat and skin in good condition is crucial for their overall health. Every pet's skin is different, just like us humans'. You can easily keep your dog looking and feeling happy and healthy by following a regular skin care regimen? and selecting the proper shampoo for their skin type.
Regular brushing is the first step in maintaining a healthy coat. It allows you to examine the skin on a regular basis and remove any dead hair and contaminants, stimulating the renewal of healthy hair.
To get the best results when bathing your dog, consider how frequently you should bathe them and what shampoo you should use; determine whether your dog has dry or greasy skin, and whether they are itchy or irritated.
Here are some tips for when you are bathing your dog:
September 13, 2023
As vets, we know how much people cherish their feline friends. You probably have an excellent oral hygiene routine for yourself, but does your cat?
It’s easy to overlook dental care but it plays a crucial role in your cat's overall well-being. Help to eradicate the risk of your cat having any dental problems by following these useful tips.
Why cat dental care is so important
Untreated dental problems can cause severe health issues. Bacteria can spread to organs and cause potentially life-threatening infections.
Dental problems can be prevalent in cats of all ages, from kittens to senior cats. Plaque and tartar buildup can lead to gum inflammation, tooth decay, bad breath, and even tooth loss.
No one wants their cat to be in pain, and no one wants
August 21, 2023
A flea will bite a dog, consume some of its blood, and then deposit small eggs in the dog's fur. These are then scattered around the house.
Fleas can survive for up to three months and lay hundreds or even thousands of eggs. The eggs will hatch into larvae, which will subsequently evolve into adult fleas ready to bite and lay more eggs.
This cycle will continue, and dwellings can quickly become infested with fleas, eggs, and larvae. Fleas can also transmit tapeworms.
Flea bites can be painful and unpleasant for both pets and people. Rashes and skin disorders in dogs can occur as a result of scratching. They can also be allergic to flea saliva, causing their skin to become inflamed and irritated. This can be quite upsetting for both the dog and the owner.
Fleas can also cause serious medical