How To Keep Your Cat Safe In Summer

When the long and warm days of summer come around your cat will choose to spend a lot more time outside. While this is a lot of fun for them, it also puts them at risk for many seasonal dangers.
What are the safety hazards that you should protect your feline friend from in order to keep your cat safe in the Summer?
Dehydration –
Make sure that your cat always has a bowl of fresh water available to them. They are more likely to become dehydrated on a hot and sunny day. Also, if your cat tends to drink from your outdoor pond make sure that it doesn’t have algae growing in it, or it could make your feline friend very sick.
Overheating –
If you need to take your cat somewhere in the car in the summer, you should never leave them alone in the parked car. The windows of the car act like a greenhouse and the temperature can increase rapidly to dangerous levels. If your cat experiences heat stroke it can slip into a coma, which can be very serious and even fatal.
Sunburn –
Yes, cats can get sunburnt! There are some sunscreens out there that are designed for animals, so try applying them to your cat’s ears and nose – especially if they have light-coloured fur or if they are a hairless breed.
Parasites –
Fleas and ticks are more of a risk to cats during the summer months, so make sure that your cat is receiving regular treatment with the appropriate product. You should check your pet’s fur frequently for signs of fleas.
Poisoning –
During the summer months the shed, garage or hobby areas are more likely to be left open, so chemicals such as paints, cleaners and other oils can be left around. Your cat can be exposed to these, even if they just get the chemical on their paws (they can lick it off for example). If you have chemicals around, you should keep them far away from where your cat could encounter them.
Insect Stings –
Another potential hazard for cats in the summer is insect stings. If your cat gets stung around his mouth or his throat, the airway can swell and breathing can be restricted. If your cat has been stung, you should take them to your vet right away.
Snake bites –
Sometimes your cat can disturb a snake in the long grass and get bitten, and you might not even realise it. If you think that this has happened, it is crucial to get your cat to a vet as soon as possible.
These are just a few of the hot weather dangers that you should be aware of so that you can keep your feline friend healthy and safe during the warm summer months. If you have any questions or require any more advice on how to keep your cat safe this summer, get in touch with our team of experts at 365 Vet.