February 08, 2023
A dog’s love is unconditional, but they do come with a little bit of upkeep. We know how important it is to keep your dog happy and healthy, so if this means maintaining their joints then we’re here to help.
When your furry friend gets older, they might have more requirements for their health than when they were in their prime. So, it’s essential to know some of the best joint supplements you can buy for your dog here at 365 Vet, and why they’re so good.
Why Does My Dog Need Joint Supplements
Your dog may need joint supplements as joint function tends to deteriorate more with age. Therefore it’s really important to support joint health throughout your dog’s life as it will help if this breakdown begins.
How Do I Know If My Dog Needs Joint Supplements
If you notice any significant changes
January 23, 2023
Dental hygiene for dogs is important, just like humans, dogs should visit the vet for regular dental checks.
Dogs are prone to dental diseases in the same way that humans are. When we visit the dentist we often have the chance to see the hygienist, and similarly, when you take your dog to visit the vet for a dental check, some practices may offer the opportunity for a qualified nurse to examine your dog's teeth. This can help you to understand the different ways to maintain good canine dental hygiene, rather than taking an appointment with the veterinarian.
Plaque Problems
Good canine oral health doesn't just mean keeping your dog's teeth looking clean and healthy, and the consequences of dental disease are
January 16, 2023
Fleas and ticks are a big concern for many owners and their dogs, especially as we start approaching the warmer months.
A combination of different options are used to prevent fleas from attacking your dog and invading the home, including medication, hygiene routines and cleaning your home thoroughly. This is your guide to flea and tick treatments for dogs, scroll down to find out how you can control and prevent fleas on your dog, in your home and in your garden.
Medication for Flea Prevention
There are many different types of medication for treating and preventing fleas and ticks, including topical and oral forms. Fleas and ticks are more than just an uncomfortable inconvenience for your dog, they can cause serious health problems for them and can take over your home.
It is much better to take action
December 12, 2022
Frequent Dog Conditions Seen at Vets
According to household ownership, dogs are among the most popular pets in the UK, with almost a quarter of houses in the country providing a home to at least one of them. And this isn’t a recent development; for centuries, man and dog have existed alongside one another – indeed, it’s thanks to the latter that the former has prospered so impressively.
As a consequence of this partnership, we know a great deal about canine physiology. Veterinary schools across the country dedicate entire programmes to dogs, and an enormous volume of academic research is being constantly read and written on the subject of their health.
The answer to one particular question, however, has proven remarkably elusive – which diseases are most common? Until recently, data collection on the matter wasn’t widespread – and so a clear picture
December 09, 2022
Pet Safety at Christmas Time
There are a number of steps you can take to safeguard your pet this Christmas when your house is full of guests. Many pets will find strangers interesting and will approach them gregariously. Conversely, some pets will find strangers terrifying. If your pet falls into the latter category and you are entertaining guests with whom your pet is unfamiliar, then you should take steps to mitigate their discomfort. Provide them with a safe place to retreat to and relax and keep in mind these other tips for pet safety at Christmas time.
Safety in the kitchen and elsewhere
If you are cooking, pets can provide an unwanted – and often dangerous – distraction. Tripping over an overbearing dog while carrying a hot pan is not a pleasant experience for either party. Similarly, any cat which inadvertently wanders onto a hot ceramic griddle
November 23, 2022
Your dog is a wonderful companion who will always be a loyal friend to you, no matter what. However, your furry friend cannot take care of their own health, so it is up to you to look out for them and make sure that they receive the care that they need. Also, as your dog ages, they will need more help to care for themselves as they will become more at risk for diseases and arthritis.
Here are some ways that you can protect the health of your dog as they age:
Control Their Weight
If your dog is overweight, this can put a lot of extra strain on their body. Keeping them at a healthy weight is very important – and might even involve reducing their portions as they get older and less active. If you notice that your dog is getting overweight, you should contact your vet in order to develop a healthy weight reduction programme.
Continue to Exercise Them
November 18, 2022
We’ve arrived at that time of year again – temperatures across the country are plummeting, and we’re all going to start feeling the chill. Many of us will undoubtedly spend the period shoveling snow from our driveways, spreading salt across our pavements and stocking up on woollen jumpers, hats, gloves and other such festive finery.
But the season also poses challenges for the non-human residents of our households. Both dogs and cats are vulnerable to seasonal hazards. In this Winter Pet Guide, we’ll take a look through them, and see how they might be addressed.
Perhaps the most obvious feature of the season is that temperatures will drop markedly. Fortunately, both dogs and cats have a built-in defence against the winter chill – their fur coats. Fur coats come in a number of different forms, with some being hugely suitable for cold weather, and others being less
October 11, 2022
If your dog is receiving treatment or medication for a medical problem, it may need to take pills. Sometimes though, getting your dog to take a pill is more difficult than you might think. It can depend on the particular dog and its willingness to eat – some dogs will be much pickier than others.
Giving your dog their tablets can be very challenging, especially if they tend to bite at your fingers if you try to place the pill down their throat. So how can you encourage your dog to take its medicine? One of the strategies is to link taking their pill to something positive such as walks, treats, playing and other positive rewards.
When a vet is getting your dog to take a pill, the dog will be unable to escape as it will be shut in a consulting room. This makes it easier to control the pet, especially if they are small and can be placed on a table for easier handling. Vets tend to be very good at
October 11, 2022
As we approach this time of year again, it is important to make sure you are prepared. One of the biggest sources of stress for any animal is a firework - especially if you’re a horse.
In this article, we’ll take a look at exactly why this is, and what can be done to limit the impact of this unpleasant seasonal event on our animals.
What’s so terrible about fireworks?
Fireworks are enormously loud explosions of unnatural fire in the sky. Imagine, if you will, that you’re an animal. The idea that such things might be entertaining is totally alien to you. Moreover, the idea that such things could be produced in order to provide such entertainment is even more incomprehensible. It’s a little bit like a human being witnessing a magical spell – or an alien spacecraft, it just doesn’t work.
Now, it’s impossible to
September 20, 2022
As the temperature drops and the winter months set in, your cat will need a little bit of special attention in order to stay warm, happy, healthy and safe. There are certain hazards that you need to look out for in the winter that could be dangerous to your feline friend. These are risks that are specific to the season, just like you would watch out for sunburn and heatstroke in your pets in the summer months.